
Showing posts from February, 2012

Three Things I Hate, and Three Things I Love

Well, hello again after so long! Yay!!! Why have I taken so long to get anything new to this place? Well, to tell you the truth, lots of reasons and by no means all of them good ones. So let's not waste each others' time with the shallow stuff, and get on with with what I'm here for: namely, to be about my Heavenly Father's business by giving my teastimony to all the wonderful things He has done for me. For this posting, I that as it has been such a long time since I have done anything here, I would go back to the wood, as it were, with something absolutely basic to my core principle for being here at all in the first place. As for future plans and so forth, I'll save that till the end. So what about it, then? I refer you to the title which has probably up until now left you a tad befuddled. There are of course many thing I hate and love, far more than three in either case, as you can well imagine. But those I mention here are, as it were, the irreducab...