
Showing posts from 2022

Go Up, O Sinners!

For this article, you should first read 2 Kings 1.1 - 18.  1. Go Up. Elijah hears a message from the Lord about Ahaziah. Something is very wrong here. Elijah was in no way spying on Ahaziah, yet he knew the situation well. The situation, that is, with regard to his soul. Like the whole of humanity, Ahaziah was a sinner in need of repentance. But it was worse even than that. Ahaziah was injured by an accident and it was likely to be fatal. Worse again, he was in a state of constant rebellion against God. This put him in a far worse state than anyone else. This state of rebellion against God manifested by his action in seeking a word from the devil himself. A terrible sin. So a word is given to Elijah and it was not a word of comfort. 2. Go Back. Elijah meets with the King's messengers and sends them back with the word that God has given him first. And to be fair they did their duty, both to God and the King. Not only that but they were prevented from committing the sin that they wou...