previews of what's coming next...

There may have been a long time elapsing from the last posting, but that does not mean that there has been nothing going on. So please check out the up and coming projects for this blog. By the way, I do not ask for money and will send it back or give it away if sent, but please click on the adverts as that helps to keep this blog online. Many thanks. God Bless you.

  • Does God move in a mysterious way? - or is He more approachable?

  • Is there any such thing as the fear of God? If so, why?

  • Also new video series to launch on "YOUTUBE". So please keep an eye out for that.

  • Accompanying The Apocrypha - a chapter by chapter guide.

  • The Unbeliever's Bible. A larger project, but hopefully will be completed before year's end.


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