So, Ok, What Won't I Like?

Hey, wait a minute, now.  I didn't say that you won't like this, I said that you may not like this.  There is a difference, you know.  And, as many visitors here are finding out, well, no, I won't just lay it all out for you up front.  That would spoil the whole experience, really,  and then it wouldn't be the general adventure and voyage of self-discovery that it has been for everyone else.  Also, I want it to be something that is unique to everybody, here.  You must interact with the material in your own way, and in that, kind of make it your own.

The first thing to note here is that there hasn't been a posting for a while.  Don't scroll down, because there's a lot of material to cover here.  Although I must say, that I particularly like the pamphlet that I wrote in February on the previous post.  It was a good thing for me, too.  The whole process and all.  As I finally get around to putting up this new post, it feels a lot less discplined than that.  But if you'll allow me this indulgence, I thank God that this has been a lovely year.  I am amazed that we are approaching Christmas again, but as the year draws to a close, I find that it is a good thing that I feel like this - wholesome and positive - in a sense, a time of positive manifestation. 

Whereas this is not usually something I major on, or indeed look for, or certainly not expect, I feel that it is something that becomes more obvious to us as we look back (you know the sort of thing; "I was carrying you", and all that).  Yes, it does sound clichéd, but when you do look back (and I encourage you to at least try to do so) it is something special.  Admittedly, looking back like this is something you have to want to do in the first place, (trust me, I understand that, for sure - 2011 - King James Bible Anniverary or not - is one year that would have been better off never happening as far as I'm concerned) but when you either make the effort or have the inclination to make the effort,  the rewards are enormous.  I heartily recommend it as a, yes, rewarding, but also fulfilling excercise.  Renew.


If you scroll right down to the bottom of this blog, you will find that the whole reason that happened in the first place was that it is my attempt to tell you: 1.  Who I am, 2.  What happened to me, and 3.  Why it matters to you.  It was after the events described there that the greater part of my education took place (actually, it's been a very on-going business - I only completed my BA six years ago, so don't bother!), but the whole reason for it all was so that I would be better equipped to help other people in this very thing.  And when things got fuzzy and complicated, it was good that I had basics to come back to, and my mind, and things, and everything, became clear again.  And what I found at those minor turn-key moments was that my performance in terms of education, work and general life situations was improved, and, bizzarely, I was the last to know.  I have no explanation or interpretation to offer with regard to this, but there it is - the virtue of having basics, whether your own, or having them handed down to you.

So it is firmly in the spirit of these personal basics that the following is shared with you.  It has not been an easy exercise (viz. the writing of this experience down), because quite simply I am not that type of person.  But as at the beginning of this, I have benefited in the long term from something happening to me that I did not expect, then it cannot be wrong to share this also.  My last posting was, as you can plainly see, Thursday, 16th February, 2012.   The following Mondy (20th February, 2012) was when this happened to me.  What follows is as I wrote it down the same day, but I was very reluctant todo so for the above stated reasons.  Yet I knew that I had to.  I forced my self to write it down by leaving messages for myself on my desk, saying, "Report Back".  Finally, I couldn't bear it any longer, and set about it. 

I ahd of course no idea how different that day was going to be, or I probably would have avoided it.  Again, my basic understanding of the Christian Faith as found within the pages of the New Testament is relevant here.  My whole conversion to Christianity in the first place was not initiated by me God, I affirm, was looking for me, not me looking for God).  And, as far as I can remember, none of the pivotal events and experiences since, were initiated by me.  Nor, I repeat, was any of the following.  I assert these things here for a particularly serious reason - that do not have, or in any way condone for that matter, any "formula" for achieving a so-called altered state, or anything of the kind.  I have read much about alchemists and occultists in history, but the following is nothing of the sort.

I began that morning feeling much better, not only for a good night's sleep, but for having spent The Lord's Day (Sunday) well.  I was looking forward to a hearty breakfast, followed by my prayers and Bible lessons.  Yes, I do enjoy these - and it's not a crime.  Yet even though I enjoy these things, and continue to do so, that does not mean, that does not mean that I approach them casually.  I always remember that I am dealing with holy things, even in my physical treatment of the Bible, and refusing to place anything above it, is testimony to this.  But I always pray before I read the Holy Scripture, and this day was no exception to that rule.  If, as was the case on this particular day, I cannot "think" of anything to pray (the very idea is ridiculous to me), I pray in the Holy Spirit, that, 1.  All the glory might go to God alone, and that the perfect will of God will appear in the material realm according to Romans 8.28.  And that is what I was doing on this particular occassion, that it was after what seemed like less than two minutes, at about 8:00 am (and I am trermbling as I write this on 1st March) that I was given a vision of the Heavenly Glories.  To give something by way of perspective, by the time I rose from this, it was after 1:00 pm.   I am even now painfully aware of how impossible it is to describe what I saw. 

The mountains were greater than anything I have both either seen or am in any way aware of,  and so too were the valleys.  But it was the Palace (at least that is my opinion about it) was absolutely breath-taking, every vista turning in on itself and changing shape and colour, and shining so brightly that could not bear it.  I knew I was not in my body, and honestly began to wonder if I was either dying or already dead, but somehow I knew that was not so.  At the start of this, I was able to speak, and worshipped.  That is all I was capable of doing.    Now, also, my personal, this-worldly circumstanced are by no means immaterial to these considerations.  And, to be fair, they are personal, and I do not think it is right to wear my heart on my sleave, as is were.  But in spite of that, because the thoughts related are of a very godly nature, suffice it to say that I am by no means a millionaire!  I say all that to tell you this; that the first thought that cam into my mind was a question.  Surely, would it not be a wonderful thing that I could be about these things and not be dependant on any other man for the meeting of my personal needs.  Having had time to reflect on this experience, it strikes me that this was not a question at all, but a composite part of my worship there, because I was cleansing myself of earthly thoughts, and is it not these very very things that opponents accuse us of - that because we have "nothing better" to do with our time, (honestly, who can tell me anything better to than pray?) that we fill our lives with these fictions.  I declare that there was nothing fictional about this.  Also, I keep myself very busy.  I travel, write blogs, do video casts for YouTube and Daily Motion.  I have written five novels, two devotional books, a commentary on the Apocrypha (serialised below).  I also have a formiddable print and multi-media library.  All this I have achieved against physical and financial challenges.  At the time of writing, I am neither looking for, nor expecting, an "experience", or anything like it.  To be sure, this was far beyond anything I could possibly imagine.  I simply offered myself up to God, and did not concern myself with the consequences.

I was not simply there; there was in me - all these wonders went through every part of my being, and I felt unspeakably pure.And I knew that sin was absent.  As I watched everything happen, with awesome beauty, and effortless power, I became unable to speak, and I felt quite wraith-like.  Sinless beauty is impossible to describe.  I saw thoughts (yes, thoughts are things) try to form themselves and then burst like bubbles, vainly attempting to describe the undescribable. 

It was about at this point that, although the vision had by no means subsided, that I became aware again of my physical body and my lounge.  I was also aware now, that I could not only not speak, but could not move, either.  It was very disconcerting - the vision was still happening, but material surroundings were brginning to appear.  But that was by no means all.  As I have written previously, not one word was spoken during this whole time, but at this point, "they" appeared.  I suppose, to remain within the confines of the expressions of Holy Scripture, I should call them Angels.  But they were completely unlike ANYTHING depicted in any religious art I have ever seen.  They were awsomely beautiful.  But that is the sort of thing I feel expected to say.  But that is really as much as anyone can say, but I must record here a note about their eyes.  They floated around me in circles, with expressions of curiosity on their faces - as if they had never seen anything like me before.  But their eyes were full of love.  Yes, it was all very strange, but the strangeness of consisted, in my opinion, in the fact that I was seeing all this from the background of my own lounge!  It wass as if they were paying me a house visit.   In my spirit-man, I tried to reach out and touch them, but they had a special way of parrying, as is were, my arms away, and then floated by, each allowing the other to "come and see".  this went on for ages, and then they stooped their heads to me one by one, and the vision faded.  This left me weak and paralysed.

It was by now that I honestly thought I was dead.  I could neither move, speak, nor breathe, yet I was able to see my surroundings completely clearly.  I simply stared into space, hoping for another glimpse of the Angels, or the Heavenly Glories, but neither returned.  I now understand just how addictive these things can be.  Eventually I was able to move, but not without severe pain.  After about five hours in this vision state, my body had become rigid and cold.  When I eventually managed to get up, I went to a mirror, and what I saw appaled me.  I was freezing cold, although the heating was quite high, but my face was white (even my lips), and there was a horrible wet shine all over me.  I took a bath and had something to eat, and felt a little better.  But I knew that I was stricken with this, and would remain so.  Writing about it now, I find it almost inevitable that the same sense of being "stricken" or "touched" returns.

Well, what am I to make of all this?  What conclusion is in any way possible?  I will resort here to orthodox responses, which are in no way to be disrespected.  I feel strengthened in my faith and see the Bible through 3-D glasses, as it were.  There is a closer "closeness" between my heart and God.  There is, also, on a more practical level, something I already know about these things.  Namely, that God does not give these things in vain.  I only have to look back  as  far as last week to see how He gave me something in the Spirit, and then confirmed it outwardly.  It is true to say that God would not have done the one if He were not going to do the other.  But as confirmation of this principle on a purely objective level, all I have to do is to turn to Holy Scripture and history, and I will find more instances of this than I can count.  The truth is, I have no earthly idea of what the outcome of this will be, but I know that there will be one.  And when that happens, which it will, you can be sure that I will repeort back on that too. 

I hope that this has been a blessing to you.  God bless you, and thank you for reading.


This took place on the 10th to 12th May this year at the London Excel Centre, and I can truly describe it as an adventure in God.  I travelled the day before, thinking I was ok, but after a day when I was happily going around some of my favourite shops, I sat in my hotel room on the night before and I realised something.  This was the wrong hotel for the venue I was attending.  I don't know if you've ever come across the phrase "demon wind"?  Actually, I don't know if there is such a thing (don't care to find out!), but I knew the the enemy of my soul did not want me at those meetings.  There was only one thing for it: 

I was going to be in all those meetings.

I had to check out of my hotel in St. Albans, travel back to London to the venue with my luggage, find a new hotel nearer and then attend the first meeting - all in the same day.  This I did.  I kept a journal on paper until I was too tired to write.  Plus, I also took notes while I was at the meetings themselves.  Again, much of what follows is from those notes, together with the notes that have written up after the meetings and after my return. 

As I sat in my hotel room on my own on the night before the meetings, I foolishly entertained the thought that I might be disappointed - it's not as if that has ever happened!  But I encouraged myself with the thought that my trust is in God not man, and Kenneth Copeland is, after all, a man.  And we are solemnly warned in Scripture not to put our trust in man.  So I went ahead.  Have spoken in my video journal on YouTube (and more fully on Daily Motion) of one challenging experience after another, and that is certainly a good description of my journey there.  But it happened, and I was in time for a very quick wash and brush-up before the first meeting.  I was exhausted, but I made it!  All I could think of was "The Blessing".  The first night was wonderful.  Far from disappointment, I was elated.  In fact, that first night, it was a little strange being in the same room as him, and there were, at both sides of the auditorium, huge video screens, obviously fo the benefit of those at the back.  I found that, even though I was not at the back (and thais was the case throughout the whole event) my eye was drawn to one of them.  But I thought, no.  I see him on dvd all the time.  In fact, on my digital media player in my luggage, there were ten episodes of the Believers' Voice of Victory, and I could watch any of those any time.  So I actively made myself watch brother Copeland directly - this time without the help of any media.

Interesting to me, also, was the fact that he seemed to give TWO sermons in one service: one before the offering, the other after.  Thinking about it now, it was like two parts of the same sermon - on the various elements involved in the Lord's feeding of the 5,000.  The first part looking at what happened, and the second looking at the wider implications and applications.  There was nothing speculative or academic, thankfully.  It was pure exposition.  I was thoroughly challenged and blessed, and accordingly enjoyed it.  One of the things I wodered about before attending, was if there would be any fellowship.  Annd indeed there was.  The other delegates (it was, after all, a conference) were very friendly, and we all talked about our experiences with God and life, and about our own churches, and our walk in the Holy Spirit.  Truly lovely.  It was at the end of that first triumphant evening, that I knew for sure that this conference would be the gift that keeps on giving - and it is.  The mp4's of the meetings, together with the material that I bought between the meetings, continues to be a source of challenge, instruction, encouragement and inspriration right up to today.

After the conference was over, I was due to travel back on the Monday after.  That was when the Lord truly spoke to my heart as I quietly and prayerfully walked around the surrounding area of the Conference Centre.  I can claim a very precious word from the Lord, here.  I hope you don't mind me sharing this with you.  It was, after all, a blessing to me.  It was this:

1.  Press into the Spirit, and depart from iniquity.

2.  Network with unbelievers.

3.  What was there is in you now.

As I begin to piece this precious time together and consider what it means, I have placed everything neatly into a single storage box, which I keep by my side at home (in fact, it's right here, now!) and I call it, The Victory Box.  I can only look forward with a heart warmed by God's Word and good teaching and faithfully say, Amen.  Come Lord Jesus. 



As if my visit to London was not challenging enough, I decided to visit the Eternal City itself - Rome.  Now then, the first challenge to this was, that I had never flown in a jet aeroplane in my life!  The two occassions I had previously taken to the air had been in a sedate twin engined (propellor engines, by the way!) Briton Norman Islander while I was living in the Channel Islands, but that was back in the Seventies, and as we all know, things were different back then (whether they were better or worse is not for me to judge - they just were, that's all).  It was all going to be a bit of a shock to the system.

Anticipating that it was going to be a bit of a challenge to say the least, I decided to box clever.  I booked the holiday online.  There should be someone to warn people like me not to book online.  I go ta France no problem.  I just phone Eurostar, tell them where I want to go and when, they take the payment, email me the tickets.  Job done. Enjoy.  So I decided to book a holiday, not just a flight and a hotel.  Next time, I'll just book a flight and a hotel.  You know that motto that seems to be everywhere, saying, Keep Calm And Carry On, well that was the advice I instinctively took.  It was awful.  The hotel was on the opposite side of the city - as far outside as the airport...  There was no one to receive me,  and all the trips were like 8:00 am the other side of the city from the hotel.  No fun was to be had - or so it seemed.  When the Hotel Manager knew what had happened, he and his staff came to my aid, with insider tips and savvy ideas, and the whole upshot is that I had a wonderful time.  I went everywhere I wanted to go, I took 230 photos (A FEW of which appear below) and I even met somebody famous.  But I promised I would not tell about that, because he was not officially there and the tv series he was in that made him world famous has finished years ago.  But we agreed that I could add him to my private collection of famouse people I have met, and parted with a smile.  When I got back, I bought the dvd box set.

But the fact remained that everything had gone wrong and I was angry with the company through whom I had booked.  Straight away, I knew that this was a sinful state of mind to be in and set about praying in the Holy Spirit.  I had been praying in this way throughout the trip thus far, and attribute the favourable outcome to the Hand of God in my affairs.  It was while I was praying again like this that I believe that the Lord gave me a word, There is no Christ Jesus without forgiveness.  The simplest explanation to this is to say that I was to bear no malice, and in all my dealings with the holiday company, to be gracious.  This I did, and the result was that all the business was successfully concluded.  There are of course other considerations about thatword that could be expounded upon, but I will leave that to your meditations.  Perhaps it would be a good idea if you could send me your thoughts on the subject.  God bless you, and thank you for reading this.





Hope you enjoyed.  God bless you, and thank you for visiting. Other work will follow.


  1. Hello,
    I met you in Swansea when I was there with my friend and you gave me the name of your blog. I have not read all of the post or seen the videos yet, but I just wanted to tell you that I have experienced supernatural things from the Lord too. I had a 'death experience' when I was twenty eight, where I was taken to a beautiful place but was told it was not time yet and that I had to come back. When I became born again at the age of thirty five I had a vision which (very long story) eventually caused me to start my blog and name it 'Lighthouse vision'.

  2. Thank you, Brenda.
    Please let me apologise for taking so long to reply to you. I have recently moved, and this has taken up a great deal of my time, but have recently got back to the internet and am starting to settle back to it. I have a lot to catch up on. Including my secular writing. But I will always put the Lord first, and this is one way for me of doing that. Please keep visiting. My first Christian title "Sacrifice" will be available on Kindle soon, and am working on my other book, entitled "The World of Salvation". Many thanks, and God bless.


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