Back From The Wilderness

This is a VERY big moment for me, so I humbly ask your patience.  It's been a long time since I did anything at all with this blog, and I am so very sorry.  I'm not going to offer any excuses; none about how tough life has been for the last five years, and how I've been a victim of circumstances, or anything even like that or any thing else like those things.  No, I'll tell you that I've sinned.  Yes that's right, I've sinned.  When we come to the point where we can admit that, we are in a very important place.  First, generally, then personally. 

Generally, what I find is, that I have let the Lord down in not serving Him as I should.  When I step back and consider what He has asked me to do here in writing this blog, I realise that it is a very easy thing for me to do.  I'm a professional writer and words come easily for me.  All the Lord is asking me to do is really to tithe a portion of my time at my keyboard and give Gospel thoughts out to people and simply, as it is expressed Scripturally, to "glean in the Lord's vineyard".

Personally, and eventually, it sooner or later comes right down to this, I have let those who would read these pieces down.  I could in a self-righteous way argue that not many will read these things, so what's the point?  But God, in calling people to do things, is not a heavenly sales manager, He's our Heavenly Father, and what He asks for is not results, but faithfulness and consistency.  I feel genuinely sorry for my idleness in this respect.  I have taken advantage of His Grace.  This is especially poignant when I remember that in Ezekiel chapter 16 God reveals the real reason why He burned Sodom - it was for idleness!  When I saw that, I tell you, it was a real and total game-changer. 

Please don't misunderstand me.  I'm not going to take on the mind-set of a martyr or anything like that.  I know what The Lord has called me to do, here:  it is to labour in His vineyard, and in the corner He has apportioned to me.  And with the Lord being my helper, that is exactly what I plan to do.  And I pray that you will find it a blessing.

In conclusion, I ask you to do your part, please.  By this, I mean that I would like you to provide your feedback.  For example, it would be nice for me and your fellow readers to know how my articles here and my YouTube uploads have blessed you.  Also, if there is a question you would like to ask, please feel free to do so.  And if you see a question, and you think you have some insight to offer, please feel free to do so in this respect also.  But then, there is the question of disagreement.  As we go along, and in so doing cover a wide range of subjects and themes, it is only human nature that we will encounter themes and subjects on which we will differ.  I have two things to say about this: the first is, again, please feel free to do so, but please keep it civilised.  If we disagree, let us do so in a Christian way - that is, let us remember the Lord who bought us with His own blood on the Cross of Calvary.  Secondly, please pray for me as I consider the themes and subjects covered, that they will be spiritually profitable to everyone who reads them, even if sometimes they may be a little demanding.  Remember this also, that in everything my absolute number one priority will be, what does the Lord want me to do in all this?

God bless you, and thank you for visiting.  


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